Designed to improve athletic performance
and reduce the likelihood of injury

The athlete screen is a time-tested tool developed and utilized by Spooner Sports Medicine clinicians to assess athletes of all levels.
The athlete screen involves a series of tests designed to assess an athlete’s movement mechanics and range of motion. Our goal is to help the athlete identify areas of opportunity for improved mobility, flexibility, strength, and control.
Athlete running in place

The Spooner Team will provide sports medicine expertise
& peace of mind for you and your athlete.

After the Athlete Screen

The Spooner team will review the results of the Athlete Screen at an individual and at a team level. The key findings from the screen will be utilized to provide exercises designed to improve performance and minimize the chance of injury.

In some cases, the results will be shared directly with the athlete. In others, results will be shared with the team representative responsible for directing the athletes performance – often a coach, strength and conditioning coach, or athletic trainer. Our goal is always to collect the most information and then provide actionable solutions to improve athletic performance and reduce the athlete’s risk of injury. 

Planning for Success


We want to help you encourage your athlete to be proactive with their health practices on and off the field/court. The screen can be a first step in this endeavor as it allows us to provide you and the athlete more information that may help them understand their limitations, decrease their chance of injury, and even potentially elevate their performance. When we understand our bodies, we are more equipped to take care of them. 

If you find that your athlete already suffers from recurring injury, we recommend that you engage with a member of the Spooner team. A more thorough complimentary screening might be warranted, and we would be more than happy to help you get your athlete scheduled. 


The only way to see a difference is to practice, and, as always, practice makes perfect. Your individualized exercises should be completed as prescribed by the Spooner team or your strength coach and should always be done properly and with intention. Together, we can do the work to help you achieve your goal of optimizing performance and competing at your highest level. 

During a local athlete screen which involved over 100 youth athletes, we found that the majority of the team lacked sufficient ankle mobility. The Spooner team was then able to work with the team strength and conditioning coach to incorporate exercise in the weight room, as well as during warm-ups, to help address this commonality.

Proven Success

Consent to Screen and Media Release

Dear Parents,

Injuries happen when we least expect them. By granting permission to Spooner to care for your young athletes’ musculoskeletal needs, we will be able to provide expert care, swiftly and onsite. It will be a priority to communicate with you directly in the event that your athlete/child requires our services while you are not present.

In Health,
The Spooner Team

Authorization to Assess and Treat:

All procedures will be thoroughly explained to the athlete before they are performed. There are certain inherent risks with injury screens, movement assessments and treatment. These could increase the current level of pain or discomfort, or could aggravate an existing injury. There is also a possibility of experiencing a new injury, but the risk is small. The therapist /trainer will take every precaution to ensure the athlete is protected and the athlete will be able to stop the assessment and/or treatment at any time. Based on this information, I understand and authorize Spooner to perform appropriate assessment and/or treatment techniques based on a general assessment of my child’s condition.

Media Release:

I grant permission to Spooner and its agents and employees the irrevocable and unrestricted right to reproduce the photographs and/or video images taken of my son/daughter, for the purpose of publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, or trade, in any manner or in any medium. I hereby release Spooner and its legal representatives for all claims and liability relating to said images or video. I waive my right to any compensation.

Train with confidence

Submitting the information below serves as a legal signature to treat your athlete.

  • Where will the screen be taking place?

Click below to learn more about Spooner or to schedule an appointment at one of our locations across the valley