If there’s one thing you should know about hand therapy, it’s this: don’t wait until it’s too late access this specialty service. Hand therapy is one of the best things you can do for yourself to avoid further injury and surgery.

Many of us tend to brush off pain we feel in our arms and hands, chalking it up to a long day at the office, or just the typical aches and pains that can accompany aging. However, waiting too long, even for pesky issues like tennis elbow and tendonitis, can take a common problem and transform it into a far more serious injury, often requiring surgery.

Hand therapy is provided by a licensed occupational therapist or physical therapist who focuses on the upper extremities. Hand therapists treat more than just hands—it’s for anything that impacts our arms, hands and upper body. Wrist fractures are one of the most common ailments treated by hand therapists, as well as tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Every patient will receive a comprehensive evaluation during their first visit. A full health history will be reviewed along with discussing your current challenges. Baseline measurements will be recorded in order to provide detailed insights into your strength and range of motion.

A hand therapy plan will generally last one to two months. Throughout the treatment plan, various interventions will be utilized, such as ultrasound and IASTYM (a soft tissue therapy), to help with decreasing pain levels and increasing overall function in order to enjoy everyday life. Education will also be provided on overall health, discussing key issues like proper ergonomics, posture and how to avoid repetitive motion.

What Else Do I Need To Know About Hand Therapy?

Seek out a Certified Hand Therapist (CHT). Not all hand therapists obtain a CHT credential and the benefit is they undergo additional training, are required to pass a national exam and must have direct experience.

Spooner Physical Therapy offers a complimentary assessment. Don’t pass this up! If you’re dealing with an injury or pain in your upper body, why not seek out professional advice to learn about treatment options?

If you’re located in Arizona, remember, it’s a “Direct Access” state. That means you can receive physical therapy, even if you don’t have a doctor’s prescription. (Note: check with your insurance to see what their requirements are if you do choose to use insurance).

Bottom line: Don’t let your problems persist. In just a few hand therapy sessions, you can learn ways to avoid future injuries while getting back on track with enjoying your daily activities, pain-free.

Learn more about Hand Therapy at Spooner Physical Therapy. Ready to schedule an appointment? Click Here to schedule an appointment or complimentary movement screen with a Spooner physical therapist at one of our locations throughout the valley.