About 2.1 million people in the United States are currently living with limb loss, with 185,000 people having an amputation each year. Moments that Matter is an initiative by our friends over at the Amputee Coalition to recognize and honor patients during Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month which is celebrated annually during the month of April. Mitch, a patient of Stephanie Owens, PT, DPT at Spooner Biltmore, shared his Moments that Matter with us. Here’s what Mitch has to say about his experience so far.

Mitch, amputee in wheel chair I became a Daily Physical Challenge (DPC) Amputee on New Year’s Eve 2020. I’ve been at war with diabetes since 2000, when initially diagnosed. I lost a battle when my right foot was amputated and found myself spending my days in a wheelchair, reliant on others beyond my imagination. I went from forced retirement after 17 years as a forensic therapist for the state of Arizona, adjunct instructor for a local university since 1998 , and a private tutor, to being in a wheelchair without access to my independence as I knew it.

I’ve had some memorable moments since my amputation. In some case I fell between the cracks, in others, I’ve learned of the world of an amputee. Via physical therapy, I’ve learned that I’m not, ‘ disabled’, I still do things like I use to, now in a different way. I call it DPC, or Daily Physical Challenges; “Is it wheelchair friendly?” is my new question.

Limb Loss Awareness Month

I’m a senior, single, and live alone in Phoenix. Teaching myself to return to self-sufficiency is an ongoing process. Figuring out how to have access to my mailbox was one of many adjustments.  I was particularly happy to figure out how to access my laundry machines (putting a scatter rug over the threshold). It took me time to have the confidence to go into the area and be confident that I could get myself out.

I spoke of my anxiety during physical therapy. I was pleased to eventually attend physical therapy and report that I overcame the fear. I find that I’m using my imagination more than ever and rely on my faith for patience, vulnerability and trust.

Thank you for sharing your experience and your Moments that Matter with us, Mitch! We are lucky to be a part of your team. 

Learn more about Limb Loss Rehabilitation at Spooner Physical Therapy. Ready to schedule an appointment? Click here to schedule an appointment or complimentary movement screen with a Spooner physical therapist at one of our locations throughout the valley.