Physical Therapy For Amputees

When patients undergo amputations, they experience a range of unique, complex challenges. Not only do they need to regain strength, flexibility, and balance, but they must regain confidence. Individuals that have had an amputation are faced with the challenge of learning to trust their new prosthetic limb, as well as learn how to use it as though it’s a natural part of their body. These goals take time, hard work and patience. Here at Spooner, we provide physical therapy for amputees, from upper body extremities to leg amputations, and work with them one-on-one to teach them to move comfortably and naturally with their new limbs.

Like any patient care, physical therapy for amputees is extremely personalized. The sooner patients utilize physical therapy services, the better their outcome will be. Whether the patient had an amputation due to diabetic issues, or from a sudden traumatic accident physical therapy can be extremely beneficial to them and getting back to their functional movement goals. For example, a past patient was in a horrific motorcycle accident caused by a collision into a semi-truck. The patient’s leg was shattered and eventually had to be removed up to the hip. He was then fitted for a prosthetic leg and began his physical therapy sessions at Spooner. His case was extremely complex, and he had to learn to walk again and utilize the prothesis in order to move comfortably and safely. The patient’s treatment plan was very successful and he was able to move around zero assistance (no crutches or walker) within two months of his initial appointment! Physical therapy closed the gap for this patient, educating him and empowering him to move on his own again after he received his prosthetic.

Physical Therapy for amputees is not only about treating patients and their physical ailments, it is also about helping patients gain confidence in order to live their lives by moving to their maximum potential. Spooner’s hand therapists focus on functional movement in the upper extremities, and physical therapists can treat the lower limbs respectively when caring for patients with an amputation. The goal is to help patients move naturally, learn to walk naturally, without pain and with a healthy range of motion.

Spooner can help with physical therapy for amputees

Spooner has locations throughout the Valley. Our therapists are experienced and specialized in dealing with all kinds of injuries, including amputations. Physical therapy for amputees is recommended as an immediate follow up to your prosthetic, but patients can contact us at any time with questions or a complimentary screen. Contact us today to learn more.

Learn more about Limb Loss Rehabilitation at Spooner Physical Therapy. Ready to schedule an appointment? Click here to schedule an appointment or complimentary movement screen with a Spooner physical therapist at one of our locations throughout the valley.