You may associate physical therapy with sports injuries, or post-surgery rehabilitation, but physical therapy can be effective in treating pain associated with almost any physical habit or behavior. Take cell phones, for example. If you’re like most Americans, your phone is within reach 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In fact, Americans spend nearly 74 hours a month on their phones!

That’s right, in today’s tech-driven (and cell phone dependent) world, we’re seeing more and more patients to treat pain related to cell phone use.

Tennis Elbow – From Your Cell Phone

This obsession with cell phones can be often felt—physically. The most common problem associated with over-use of cell phone is tennis elbow. This is from having your elbow constantly bent. When you do this, it stretches the ulnar nerve over the lateral epicondyle. In other words, you’ll feel a numbing sensation in the ring and small fingers and aching in the elbow.

Additionally, Spooner therapists often treat patients for carpal tunnel syndrome. Why carpal tunnel? This can happen to cell phone users from constantly gripping the phone too tight, for long periods of time.

How To Avoid Pain Associated With Over-use Of Cell Phones

Cell phone users can turn to another form of technology to help them overcome pain: hands-free technology, such as ear buds, Bluetooth phone systems, headsets and video calling technology. It’s also a good idea to frequently change hands when talking on the phone for a long period of time. Giving your hands and arms a break will save you from irritating your nerves and long-term pain.

For exercises that you can do at home, try stretching your wrist extensors. To do this, bend your wrist down with your elbow straight for at least 30 seconds. Then, turn your hand, palm up, and stretch the wrist back with your elbow extended.

Spooner Can Help

Spooner has therapists dedicated entirely to the upper extremities. These therapists are experienced in treating pain in your arms, hands and elbows. If you have a job that requires you to constantly talk on the phone, it may be worth a consultation to find out how a Spooner therapist can help you modify your cell phone usage to improve your pain levels – or reduce your risk of experiencing pain in the first place. It may only take one or two visits to teach you the exercises you need.

Learn more about Hand Therapy at Spooner Physical Therapy. Ready to schedule an appointment? Click Here to schedule an appointment or complimentary movement screen with a Spooner physical therapist at one of our locations throughout the valley.