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4 04, 2024

What is Torticollis?


By: Stephanie Gilboy, PT, DPT, Cert. VRS

Torticollis is a tightening of the neck musculature in infants.

This is typically caused by intrauterine crowding- which means that the baby ran out of space in the uterus. Intrauterine crowding can happen to younger and/or smaller moms that do not physically have a lot of internal room. We […]

What is Torticollis?2024-06-20T12:07:31-07:00
11 05, 2022

The Importance of Tummy Time


By: Jessica Noel, PT, DPT

Becoming a first-time parent, or even adding another baby to the bunch, can be thrilling, terrifying, and exhausting all at the same time. You want the best for your baby, and you want to make sure your baby is happy and healthy.

Conditions like plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, and torticollis can sound scary or […]

The Importance of Tummy Time2024-07-25T17:19:43-07:00