Very few mothers go into pregnancy thinking it’s going to be a breeze. Often, moms are taken aback by the pain they experience along the way, pain that may follow them into the days and months that follow their delivery. Pain in their hips, lower back and even pelvic floor are extremely common pre- and post-pregnancy. However, just because these issues are common, it doesn’t mean they are normal.

But, there’s good news: physical therapy can significantly improve your pain, by giving you the strength and knowledge to take control of your body and your health.

Physical Therapy During Pregnancy

Some of the most common concerns we hear throughout women’s pregnancies is low back pain, hip pain and general pain management. To be blunt: pregnancy can do a number on your body!

So, how do we combat the pain that can accompany so many of the wonderful changes that are happening? We work closely with our pregnant patients to educate them on best practices—how to move and take care of a pregnant body. This includes teaching them the right way to do Kegels, working with them on body alignment, tackling those stubborn sciatic nerve flare-ups, and doing a lot of soft tissue work to relieve stress.

Physical Therapy After Pregnancy

In the weeks and months following your delivery, your body is once again going through a transformation. It’s natural to experience ups and downs (thanks, in large part, to hormones!) and it’s natural to have a period of healing.

However, starting as early as four to six weeks post-delivery, and up to several years later, patients come to Spooner for a slew of sensitive issues: incontinence; painful sexual intercourse; body alignment; diastasis recti (when there is a tear in the wall of your stomach muscles). Some patients come right away; others wait a while, thinking these issues are normal. Or, perhaps they are embarrassed—after all, incontinence isn’t something most women brag about.

But these are issues that can be helped through physical therapy! In fact, sometimes all it takes is a few visits to notice a big change. For example, we recently treated a woman who was experiencing painful intercourse, even though she was 18 months post-delivery. In just two visits, we taught her breathing exercises and strategies to relieve tension.

That’s all it took for her to feel normal, healthy and happy again.

Read about how a Firefighter rebuilt her body using physical therapy after pregnancy in Getting Back Into Fighting Shape After Baby on the Spooner blog!

Act Fast If You Think You Need Help

Most patients end up at Spooner because of a physician’s referral. However, you can visit us any time. For mothers’ health, especially, it’s so critical to receive attention fast and learn the right way to exercise and address your issues. Dismissing your issues as “normal” or doing exercises on your own may only aggravate your issue, leading to issues that are much harder to correct.

When you see us right away, we’re able to quickly get your body back on track, allowing your muscles to heal in the proper way and for your nerves to regenerate. We are specially trained in helping women navigate their pregnancy in the safest and healthiest way possible. We’re here to help.

Learn more about Women’s Health at Spooner Physical Therapy. Ready to schedule an appointment? Click Here to schedule an appointment or complimentary movement screen with a Spooner physical therapist at one of our locations throughout the valley.