Your youth athletes keep you BUSY. Between school, practice, games, tournaments, and more, it can be overwhelming at times. Adding an injury to this is not only stressful for the athlete– it’s stressful for you, too.

Your athlete is taken out of the game they love so much. And they’re in pain. As their parent, you want what’s best for them. That means finding the most efficient and effective care for their injury as quickly as possible.

Where do you start?

Option 1: The “Typical” Approach

Let’s walk through the “typical” approach for finding care for your athlete’s injury:

Step 1: Right when your athlete is injured there isn’t a professional right there telling you where to go or who to talk to– unless there is a dedicated sports medicine team of athletic trainers at the ready. It’s up to you to find the fastest form of clinical expertise. And, in the “typical” approach, this is the emergency room or urgent care.

Step 2: Both urgent care and ER visits can be expensive, even through insurance. You may or may not get a clear diagnosis and precise advice as to your next step. Imaging- X-RAY or MRI- will likely be prescribed. After imaging is taken, you will likely be pointed to your primary care doctor or a specialist. Medication is also commonly prescribed in this approach.

Step 3: Whether imaging was taken or not, the process can take a week or two to follow up with your doctor. In the case of a non-emergency injury, it’s likely the athlete will be referred to physical therapy, but a week or two or three might pass before you get in for the first physical therapy session. There’s a better way.

Option 2: The Better Way–Physical Therapy FIRST

There is a more proactive way to receive the care your athlete needs. This approach not only gets your athlete precise care FASTER, you will save time, money, and overall stress.

Step 1: Going to physical therapy FIRST can help your athlete get back on the field faster and stronger. There isn’t a time lapse like experienced in the “traditional” approach where you are waiting weeks or months for answers. Physical therapists are experts who can diagnose musculoskeletal injury.

And that’s it! No confusing steps or hurdles to jump over. If Robbie Horstman, PT, DPT, your Member Therapist, knows that you need further treatment or imaging they are connected to experts that can give you exactly the care you need. Robbie can help get you scheduled with the right Spooner physical therapist. If further testing is required, he will walk you through the steps to accomplish that more efficiently without the typical waiting times.

A physical therapist should be the first point of contact for most injuries. Contacting your Member Therapist is the best first step.

Movement Plus

Spooner offers a new, revolutionary way to access physical therapy: Movement Plus. This membership program provides you access to a network of physical therapists and the ability to quickly interact with a licensed professional who can direct your care with clear next steps.

So, when your athlete is injured on the field, you can contact a physical therapist right away to understand what you need to do to give your athlete expert, efficient care. No matter the issue, the member therapist has your athlete’s best interests at heart and will gladly guide you through the process. Through chat, telehealth, and even in-person visits, our goal is to help your athlete keep playing the sport they love.

Peace of mind when your athlete is injured. Expert advice and precise treatment are accessible through Movement Plus. Join the Movement!