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15 06, 2021

10 Ways To Get Football Fit


Ever wonder what it takes for a pro to be football fit? Brett Fischer, PT, ATC, CSCS has worked closely with many professional athletes and NFL teams throughout his career to help them compete at their highest level. Today, he shares some of the secrets to being a top tier athlete.

1. Physicals

Make sure you […]

10 Ways To Get Football Fit2024-06-25T14:47:02-07:00
23 09, 2020

Has Covid-19 Increased an Athlete’s Chance of Injury?


Covid-19 has had a huge effect on sports over these past 6 months. While everyone is excited to see athletes get back on to the fields and courts, there is concern that all this uncertainty has left some athletes susceptible to increased risk of injury. We won’t have all the data until after the seasons […]

Has Covid-19 Increased an Athlete’s Chance of Injury?2024-07-22T16:55:06-07:00