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torrey foster

28 12, 2023

Do You Have Plantar Fasciitis?


By: Torrey Foster, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, CSCS, and John Kline, PT, DPT, CSCS, FAFS

The plantar fascia is dense connective tissue at the bottom of your foot that runs from the base of your toes all the way to your heel. It helps you have an arch when you walk.

Your plantar fascia and […]

Do You Have Plantar Fasciitis?2024-06-20T15:05:17-07:00
30 12, 2020

Road to Becoming a Physical Therapist – Torrey Foster


We recently sat down to talk with Spooner physical therapist Torrey Foster, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, FAFS. Torrey has served as an invaluable member of the Spooner team for 18 years and a Clinic Director at multiple locations! Join us as we learn more about Torrey’s journey becoming a physical therapist and where he […]

Road to Becoming a Physical Therapist – Torrey Foster2024-07-17T14:51:15-07:00
8 05, 2020

Need Lower Back Pain Relief? Try Our Tips


With so many of us working from home full time or taking advantage of flexible work schedules, many have found a little bit of extra time around the house to work on projects – which is great, until you feel that tweak, pop, or strain in your lower back from stressing muscles that aren’t used […]

Need Lower Back Pain Relief? Try Our Tips2024-06-17T14:48:01-07:00